7 Powerful Psychology Secrets to Boost Customer Success
The famous sales trainer Zig Ziglar used to say:
People buy on emotion and justify with logic.
Because he experienced firsthand that we were constantly exposed to a few mental biases in the way we interpret things around us.
Our attention span is limited.
And we tend to take shortcuts based on the information we believe to be true to make quick judgments.
But this comes with a massive downside:
You’re often being influenced or manipulated by the information you see unless you zoom out and take full control of your actions.
So, here are 7 mental secrets you need to be aware of to make smarter decisions and drive massive success with your customers.
1. Confirmation Bias
We love to hear things that confirm our own beliefs while we intentionally dismiss the information we don’t like.
This is why when you want to buy something, you look for customer testimonials, reviews, or survey results to confirm your choice, feel great about it and avoid any future remorse.
So, next time you discuss with your customers, provide them with more information that will help them confirm they’ve made the right decision!
2. Anchoring Effect
We heavily rely on the first piece of information we see as if we were caught in a “relativity trap”.
It’s about making customers focus on a single aspect of your product while you exclude all the other characteristics.
For example, if you’re first presented with a product that costs $49, the anchor, and then see a similar product for $19, you’ll think the first one is too expensive and is not worth the price.
But if I told you that for $49, you get the product AND all the other services the cheaper offer doesn’t provide, the higher price appears reasonable all of the sudden.
This is a technique companies often use to make you compare benefits and not just the price tag.
So, ensure you anchor your customers to your product’s business value and impact rather than discussing its price or features.
3. Permission Structure
What do you think prevents most people from changing their minds?
It’s often the …
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